Friday, May 27, 2011

And So it Continues...

This is meant to be an update to my last post on asthma. At the close of that post, I stated that I was feeling a noticeable, positive difference after the first two doses of the antibiotic. I was. What I neglected to mention, was that the doctor, for some reason, didn't prescribe the antibiotic I was accustomed to taking--i.e., the Zithromycin. Instead, I suppose because she wanted me to receive a greater blast, she instead prescribed the generic form of Biaxin, called Clarithromycin. I was to take two 500MG pills per day, twelve hours apart, for ten consecutive days. So really, this wasn't the protocol that Dr. Hahn (the Wisconsin doctor involved in the asthma research mentioned in my last post) recommends. She assured me that it was chemically in the same family of drugs as the Zithromycin, so I just agreed to it. Now in hindsight, I wish I hadn't.

By the third dose, I was dizzy, nauseous, had awful stomach pain, a horrible metallic taste in my mouth, was completely exhausted, starting to feel phantom pains all over my body, got headaches, dry cotton mouth, and was starting to hallucinate. And I thought that that was the worst of it! By the other morning (heck, I can't even remember what morning it was, as I'm so confused still), my tongue and lips had begun to swell. Being the Mom of a child with allergies, I recognized that as one of the possibly not-so-minute reactions. I know that you're not supposed to stop antibiotics mid-course, so I called the clinic to ask if I could drop the medication. I was told to come in, and that this was something the doctor would have to okay. Thankfully, my husband was able to get out of work early and take me there within a few hours. The Doctor didn't seem at all least not at first, and seemed more aggravated than anything else. I hate feeling like I'm disturbing people. It may have been his lunch time, I don't know. But still, I wished I was just anywhere else but there. I made sure to tell him that I would have been totally okay with not coming in and just stopping the medication. He seemed to relax and get a bit kinder as the visit progressed, so I tried not to get all upset over it.

He noticed the swelling, but assured me that there were no obstructions. I frankly hadn't been having a problem breathing at all really, since the 2nd dose. It was just all of the other stuff. I have three children to care for, and I've been a complete wreck for days because of this antibiotic. (Note: I found out later that this was one of the medications Brittany Murphy had been taking prior to her death. Yikes!) Immediately, he dismissed that I was feeling any of the above, except for maybe the stomach stuff, because of the antibiotic. It's always nice when doctors listen to your concerns, and believe you when you tell them things. Sigh. That said, when he left the room, and came back a few minutes later, he was more relaxed and communicative. He had a listen to my stomach, and it must have been making a terrible racket, because he immediately agreed to have me stop the medication. That was the only thing I wanted to hear.

Next he checked my sugar. He mentioned something about possibly triggering a pre-diabetic response?!?!? And then he took some blood. Thankfully, before too long, we were on our way out. The swelling on my tongue seemed to have gone down. As we were making our way out of the building, he handed me my replacement antibiotics--a seven day dose of Levaquin, 500MG. I smiled and thanked him, not sure if I'd be able to stomach another antibiotic after all I had gone through.

When I finally got home, I read the FDA warning about Levaquin , and that made my decision on whether or not to take the antibiotic all the simpler. I love Kung Fu, and I just couldn't see myself taking a chance on something like tendonitis, particularly when this wasn't the antibiotic protocol I had wanted from the get-go. I had never had a reaction to any medication before, but I'll tell you, once you experience it, you start really identifying with that 1% of people who do react. Percentages almost seem not to matter.

As expected of course, not having completed my course of antibiotics, I'm getting the chest congestion again. Today has been kind of rough, and I'm keeping to the air conditioning. I'm still considering my options. Right now, and for the time being, I'm looking into natural antibiotics to get me through this hiccup. I hope to update again with something more positive.


Click Here for the beginning of the story, and Here for the post that follows this one.


  1. You've been in my thoughts; hoping that some relief has come your way and wondering how you got on with finding alternative anti-biotics. xxx

  2. Thanks! I am much better. I have to write out a proper update, but the short of it is that I used some natural antibiotics for a little over a week while I gave my body a chance to detox from the abx, and then I went to another doctor who agreed that I would be a good candidate for Dr. Hahn's treatment regimen. Because I was in pretty bad shape when he saw me, he had me take a Z-pack first, and then had me follow that with another 3-day burst of 1800mg. Now I'm on the 1x/week dose (2nd weekly dose comes tomorrow). Despite going through a few rough patches here and there, I am MUCH better. No coughing, infrequent chest constriction, and I was able to get back to exercising last week. I'm doing a lot more than the abx course though, so I'll be sure to write a post about it. xoxoxoxo
