Saturday, August 28, 2010

So I've finally done it...

After years of loyally reading other people's blogs, with more than a twang of desire to start one up myself, I finally decided to give it a shot.  Ultimately, it was the misfortune of losing my job to offshoring that finally provided the means to do so.  In other words, I suddenly had a lot of free time.  Well, that's not exactly true.  In reality, losing my job gave me less of an excuse to avoid blogging.  I'm busy enough as a homeschooling mom with three children--children I've been schooling for over a decade (has it really been that long?).

As for the choice of a blog name?  Well, we are classical homeschoolers, and follow a somewhat Latin-centered model.  Yes, just somewhat.  Our educational philosophy is too broad and varying to subscribe 100% to any one method...but at its core, our homeschooling is unequivocally Classical.  In that sense, we really are old schooling.  But I felt the title fit in other ways as well.  For starters, I'm the only thirty-something I know without a texting plan, not that I'd know what to do if I had one.  I've met six year olds that are more technologically savvy.  [Feeling sort of guilty now for giving my Mom a hard time about not knowing how to work the VCR or the microwave.]

So what can you expect from this blog?  Possibly a lot of my thinking out loud about any number of things (e.g. parenting, news items, my good and bad days, pop culture, food, Catholicism, music, etc.), but primarily about our educational journey.  The way I see it, all of the above is often relevant to our educational pursuits anyway.

1 comment:

  1. Well done for getting started! I signed up on blogger months ago and haven't written a word, not one. (Truth be told I actually forgot I even had signed up until it popped up here when I had to choose a profile for commenting on yours LOL)
    Many years of satisfying blogging ahead - Enjoy!
