Sunday, June 26, 2011

Wish I Had a TARDIS to Transport Me Back

I'm feeling BIG feelings today. Just before this I visited a homeschooling board, and noticed a post by someone who was just starting out on her family's homeschooling journey. I was immediately reminded of a friend of mine who is only a few years in, and how everything is still so fresh and new and exciting for her. It has all made me think back on our days, once filled with learning letters, spelling words, playing math games, making crafts, playing dress-up, and cuddling on couches with storybooks. I remember their little voices begging me to re-read Tikki Tikki Tembo for the third time in a row. I'd feign a bit of reluctance, just to make my eventual succumbing under pressure all the more exciting for them. "Score! Mom caved!"

I remember when my three were just learning how to read, and how fun it was to see them getting all excited about everything. I know I'm choosing to remember only the good stuff right now, as I've previously written about some of our early reading struggles. But still, it was a simpler time. One I didn't fully appreciate as much at the time. I'd give anything to have a bit of that sweet simplicity back in my life.

And yet I really do love where we are right now. I remember feeling that I wasn't all that well-suited for "teaching" in the early years. I wasn't particularly crafty, and I felt that that worked against me at the time. I struggled to add in a bit of creativity of my own, when I felt I was better equipped at presenting a lecture instead. I'd find myself digressing a lot, going off on tangents on topics that were way over their heads. I remember how much I looked forward to their getting older so that we could finally get to discuss things thoroughly--serious, deeply meaningful things. And then before I knew it, that time came. They were old enough, and we started discussing to our hearts' content. And while it's been wonderful, now I'm finding myself getting all nostalgic. Funny how that happens.

I wonder if I can get the kids interested in making a macaroni necklace today. Or perhaps some finger painting? It's worth a shot.

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